Recovery Blog

Recovery Blog2024-01-04T15:05:51+00:00

Drugs That Cause Depression

December 3, 2023|

Clinical depression (also known as major depressive disorder) is an extremely common form of mental illness in adults and children alike. In fact, it’s been estimated that in 2020 over 8 percent of the world's adult population experienced an episode of depression.

PHP Therapy — Everything You Need to Know

December 3, 2023|

If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, the topic of getting professional help through a partial hospitalization program (PHP therapy) has probably come up. Maybe family members or friends have brought it up, or perhaps you’ve thought about it yourself.

Conquering Tramadol Withdrawal: The Guide to Smoothly Transitioning Off Tramadol

December 3, 2023|

Tramadol is a painkiller used to treat moderate-to-severe pain. It's a widely prescribed medication and is considered to be a relatively safe drug, but it can be addictive, and coming off can lead to withdrawal symptoms. If you’re considering quitting tramadol, you need to understand the potential symptoms of tramadol withdrawal and how to manage them.

What Suboxone Is and Why Addicts Use It

December 3, 2023|

Suboxone is a controversial drug in the addiction recovery community as many claim that a person isn’t sober if they are taking suboxone. However, suboxone has saved countless lives and kept many addicts from returning to drugs such as heroin, fentanyl, and oxycodone.

SMART Recovery — What It Is and How It Works

December 3, 2023|

SMART Recovery is an evidence-based program that provides effective tools, strategies, and support for people struggling with addiction or substance abuse. It’s run by an international non-profit organization and offers a variety of resources, including face-to-face meetings, online support, and self-help materials.

Why Being Sober is Better

December 3, 2023|

Addiction can drag a person to the depths of hell before they know what hit them. Addiction is a sneaky enemy of life and doesn’t discriminate. So even though using and drinking can be fun, is it always better than being sober?

A Complete List of All Types of Addictions

December 3, 2023|

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of addictions that people can fall prey to, but all addictions will fall under one of two categories: behavioral and chemical. Chemical addictions cover both drugs and alcohol and are far more likely to derail someone’s life than behavioral addictions, but that’s not to say behavioral addictions come without risk.

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